Here at Mini Split Depot we specialize in mini-split systems. Mini-split heating and cooling systems are generally better for homes and smaller buildings than other systems. Here’s why…

Mini-Split Systems cost less money

Mini-splits are famous for being energy efficient and more reliable when it comes to keeping a room at a certain temperature unlike traditional systems. For example, let’s say you’re in your bedroom and decide to get up and head to the kitchen for some granola. As you walk through the living room and towards the kitchen, you realize that it’s much colder in there than it was in your bedroom even though you have the temperature set to seventy degrees all throughout the house.

That’s normal for traditional systems because they turn on and make a room hotter than it needs to be before turning off again until the room becomes too cold. They have to do that so you don’t end up paying a figurative arm and leg each month on your electricity bill.

You see, the big problem traditional systems have is their motors can only run at 100% speed. If they were on all the time it would not only make your house very warm or cold, but it would also cost you a lot more money. But there’s hope! While mini-splits still experience room temperature fluctuations, they’re very noticeable.

Unlike the traditional systems that can only do all or nothing, mini-splits have inverted-driven compressors. That compressor makes all the difference in the world because it allows the system’s motor to run as low as 30% of it’s speed capacity, which uses less energy and winds up saving you at least 30% or higher on what your energy bill would be for a traditional system.

Mini systems also have another money saving perk that a lot of people don’t know about. In most states people who have energy efficient equipment can get certain tax benefits and credits if they qualify, and yes, mini-split systems qualify.

Mini-Split Systems take less time to install

Someone a long time ago equated time to money, and they weren’t wrong. Time is very valuable and when you have Mini Split Depot install a new mini-split system into your home it takes much less time than installing a traditional system would. The main reason it’s faster is because min-splits don’t require all the messy ductwork that traditional systems do, so installation usually only takes 1-2 days tops. We can come in, get the job done, and then we’re out of your way; that’s one of the many things we like about mini-split systems. Another way mini-splits save time is that you don’t have to think about them much once they’re installed. They’re quiet and out of the way, so apart from the times you want to reset the temperature you can forget they’re even there.